Seasonal Garden/

Winter pixie arrangement

Winter pixie arrangement

  1. Snowdrop

  2. Pansy

  3. Hellebores (single, double, and anemone types)

  4. Dwarf Iris (two varieties)

    BONUS :
    Petticoat Daffodils

Learn the art of painting veins, spots, and picotee edges on fabric to achieve vibrant layers of colors on flower petals. And we will arranging them into breathtaking table arrangement in a vintage vessel using sustainable method.


one time investment

Step by step video course
High-definition video with overhead view and close ups
Pattern and material guide
Schedule GoogleMeet coaching
Material kit is included in the investment (incl. shipping)
✓ Unlimited access to videos and patterns !
Video Course is conduct in Cantonese
English or Chinese version available upon request
More then 10 hours of live coaching on Googlemeet !


Video Demostration

    1. How i prepare fabric , pattern transfer, making stem fabric, petals cutting technique.

    2. Stem fabric coloring, and stem wrapping technique explained.

    3. Introduction to fabric art flower dye , and how to prepare them.

    4. Introduction to paint I use in this project, making a wet palette.

    1. Fabric color dye demo. Laminate and painting patterns.

    2. Shaping technique and assemble.

    1. Fabric color dye and patterns painting demo.

    2. Shaping technique and assemble

    1. Fabric color dye, laminate and pattern painting demo. During this lesson we’ll learn how to paint veins, spots, and picotee edges. We’ll make 3 types of hellebores ( Single, Double and Anemone type)

    2. Making the core and stamens, shaping technique and assemble.

    1. Fabric color dye, Laminate and pattern painting demo. During this lesson we’ll learn how to paint veins and spots on iris.

    2. Shaping technique and assemble.

    1. How to arrangement fabric flowers into vessels using sustainable method.

    2. Arrangement Demonstration.

    3. Petticoat Daffodils

googlemeet coaching

  • Around 3 hours.

    In this meeting we will discuss your color palette and I will give you some tips and inspiration. I will guide you through dyeing process of snow drops and pansy.

  • Around 2 hours.
    In this session I will either guide you through second painting process of snowdrop and pansy. Or we can dive into shaping and assemble according to your need.

  • Around 3 hours.

    In this meeting we will go through your final product of snowdrop and pansy, I will give you some advise. Inspiration of the following flowers. Also guide you through dying process of Hellebores and Dwarf Iris.

  • Around 2 hours.

    We will go through the final flowers in this session. Either second painting or shaping and assemble according to your need.

  • Around 2 hours.

    I will guide you through the final arrangement process.

GoogleMeet Coaching

  • Expert guidance and feedback

  • Small group (up to 2 student per session)

  • Learn in the comfort of your own space with flexible scheduling option


Video Lessons

  • Comprehensive, Step-by-Step instructions

  • In-Depth techniques for crafting lifelike fabric flowers

  • Unlimited Access to videos and patterns

Material kits

  • Ease of pain to collect all the fabric and material

  • High quality pre-stiffed fabric


  • The duration of each course varies and is personalized to your learning pace. For this course it will be around 1-3 months. After each Google Meet lesson, you'll receive assignments, and we'll schedule the next session. It's important to complete these assignments before our next meeting. We'll continue to meet until your project is successfully completed. I'm here to guide you through the entire process, so feel free to reach out with any questions at any time.

  • You will need fabric dyes, painting brushes, millinery tools, glue for flower making, tweezers, #26,28,30,33 floral wire (white) ,Rubber pads (soft and hard) for ironing, thin paper ribbon. This course required a extra paint for detail work.

  • Yes, of course! All the materials I used in the demonstration are listed with the pattern. You can prepare your own materials and feel free to substitute any fabrics that are available to you.
    Please state in the signup form message section.

  • Yes if you are willing to travel.
    Please send me a email and I will discuss the details with you.